It’s time to cover alabama
The Cover Alabama Coalition is a nonpartisan alliance of over 130 community partners, consumer groups, businesses, health care providers and faith groups advocating for the state of Alabama to provide quality, affordable health coverage to its residents and implement a sustainable health care system.
Nearly 200,000 Alabamians fall into a health coverage gap. They earn too much to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to be eligible to get financial help to buy private insurance. These are hard-working men and women who are left with few options for affordable health coverage. To close that gap, our diverse coalition has come together to form Cover Alabama — urging our state to expand Medicaid now.
Expanding Alabama Medicaid would:
create thousands of jobs and stimulate our economy
bring hundreds of millions of federal tax dollars back home
insure thousands of Alabamians
cover unpaid health care costs that are hurting our hospitals
Many common-sense, conservative states have embraced expanding their Medicaid programs. If they can find state-based solutions, so can Alabama.
The many organizations that make up the Cover Alabama Coalition are committed to ensuring that Alabama closes the coverage gap in a way that meets the needs of the thousands of Alabamians who would become eligible for Medicaid expansion coverage, while protecting the state’s 1 million current Medicaid members.
Maximizing the federal investment in Alabama’s health care
The availability of quality, affordable health coverage for every Alabamian
Protecting current Medicaid members and services
Ensuring a common-sense system that meets consumers’ needs and limits additional administrative hurdles and costs
If you have a group that is interested in joining the Cover Alabama coalition and our listserv, please fill out this form. New coalition partners are approved by the steering committee.
AARP Alabama
Accessible Alabama
AIDS Alabama
Alabama Academy of Family Physicians
Alabama Appleseed Center for Law and Justice
Alabama Arise
Alabama Asthma Coalition
Alabama Black Women's Roundtable
Alabama Chapter American Academy of Pediatrics
Alabama Child Health Improvement Alliance
Alabama Children First Foundation
Alabama Coalition for Immigrant Justice
The Alabama Council for Behavioral Healthcare
Alabama Democracy Centers
Alabama Disabilities Advocacy Program
Alabama Faith Council
Alabama Institute for Social Justice
Alabama Poor People's Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival
Alabama Primary Health Care Association
Alabama Rare
Alabama Regional Medical Services
Alabama Rural Health Association
Alabama Solutions, a grassroots movement
Alabama State Conference of the NAACP
Alabama State Nurses Association
Alabama West Florida Conference Board of Church & Society, United Methodist Church
Aletheia House
All Saints Episcopal Church, Mobile
American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network, Inc.
American College of Nurse Midwives (Alabama Chapter)
American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
American College of Physicians Alabama Chapter
American Heart Association
American Lung Association in Alabama
Ascension Alabama (St. Vincent's Health System and Providence Hospital)
Baptist Church of the Covenant (Birmingham)
Baypines United Methodist Women
Bayou Clinic
Behavioral Healthcare Alliance of Alabama
Beloved Community Church, Birmingham
BirthWell Partners Community Doula Project
Birmingham Friends Meeting
Birmingham Urban League
Black Voters Matter Fund
Cahaba Medical Care
Church and Society Committee, Anniston First United Methodist Church
Commission on Social Concerns and Human Justice, Christian Methodist Episcopal Church
Community Education Group
Community Enabler Developer, Inc.
Community Foundation of Northeast Alabama
Disabilities Leadership Coalition of Alabama
Disability Resource Network
Disability Rights and Resources
Doctors for America
Epilepsy Foundation Alabama
Episcopal Diocese of Alabama
Faith in Action Alabama
Fall Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation Center
First Congregational United Church of Christ, Birmingham
Five Horizons Health Services
Freewill Missionary Baptist Church
Focus Women’s Conference
Forest Lake United Methodist Church
Grace Presbyterian Church, PC (USA)
Great I Am Ministries
Greater Birmingham Ministries
Gulf States Health Policy Center
Health Action Partnership of Jefferson County
Health Education Linkage Program (HELP)
Health Services Center
Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama (HICA)
Hometown Action
Hopewell African Methodist Episcopal Church (Birmingham)
Human Rights Campaign Alabama
Huntsville Chapter of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Indoor Air Advocates
Interfaith Montgomery
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees, Local 900
Jefferson County Department of Health
Lakeshore Foundation
League of Women Voters of Alabama
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Live Free Alabama
Low Income Housing Coalition of Alabama
March of Dimes
Medical Association of the State of Alabama
Medical Advocacy & Outreach
Montgomery (AL) Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.
NAMI Alabama
National Association of Social Workers - Alabama Chapter
National MS Society
North Alabama Conference Advocacy for Social Justice Team, United Methodist Church
North Alabama Labor Council
Nurse Practitioner Alliance of Alabama
Oral Health Coalition of Alabama
Partners in Health
Peacemaking Committee of North Alabama Presbytery, a congregation of the PCUSA
People First of Alabama
Positive Women’s Network - Alabama
Progressive Women of Northeast Alabama
Southern Poverty Law Center
Southern Rural Black Women’s Initiative - Alabama
St. Andrew's Episcopal Church, Birmingham
St. Mark's Episcopal Church, Birmingham
St. Michael’s Medical Clinic
Tennessee Valley Progressive Alliance
The Arc of Alabama
The E.WE Foundation
The Knights & Orchids Society
The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
The Right Place for Housing and Support, Inc.
The Wellness Coalition
The Women's Foundation of Alabama
Thrive Alabama
Together for Hope
Transgender Advocates Knowledgably Empowering (TAKE)
United Cerebral Palsy of Huntsville and Tennessee Valley
United Women of Color
Unity Wellness Center
Unitarian Universalist Church of Birmingham
VOICES For Alabama’s Children
Wings Across Alabama
Women As Strength Project
Women in Training, Inc. (WIT)
World Alive International Outreach
YMCA Of Greater Birmingham
YWCA Central Alabama
Zonta Club of Birmingham